unfortunately, it is very common for small businesses to follow the cleaning pattern learned at home, which taught only to clean, removing visible dirt and scenting environments. Disinfecting is a post-cleaning process that removes bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are invisible to the eye. Process that never had a high level of importance until the appearance of covid-19. Today, due to this bad habit, an indiscriminate use of the famous “Clean all” has been generated, and / or of expensive highly concentrated industrial disinfectants without really knowing in any of the cases its real form of use, which for a business would mean a high consumption and risk of contagion. Both processes are complementary, a surface must always be disinfected, previously cleaned or use products that fulfill both functions.
in order to generate savings, it is essential to set up a cleaning and disinfection program according to the type of business, detailing and grouping all the items and surfaces to be cleaned according to the type of cleaning that each one requires. The schedules, the frequency, the products to be used, their dosage and the manner of use suggested by the manufacturer must be established, always taking into account the type of business and volume of visits that may be had. For example, places such as restaurants, hairdressers, doctor’s offices, should be cleaned and disinfected daily before starting care and at night at the end of it. With this program you will know exactly how much will be invested per day / month in cleaning and disinfection.
the inappropriate use of a disinfectant product generates a high risk in the small business, since, for example, if a dilution greater than recommended is used, it can be generated in many cases a harmful effect on health and a much higher expense. For this reason, it is important to read the labels well, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and obtain adequate advice, buying only from formal companies specialized in the subject, and opting for those that provide adequate training on use, and show the current sanitary registration and certifications. that endorse what is offered by their products.
sometimes, it is believed that using the traditional household product in the small business is enough; however, it is essential to consider the use of specialized cleaning products and disinfectants. Cleaning supplies and disinfectants that, on the one hand, guarantee the elimination of all types of viruses, bacteria and fungi, and on the other, generate a great performance given their high concentration, since the cleaning frequency in businesses is much higher, so if the product has a high performance and is easy to use, it will mean a great saving.
taking care of one’s health is also taking care of that of others, so you should avoid going out on the street, opting to acquire brands with direct sales and active digital channels so that they send the products directly on the premises without any risk of contagion.